The City of Cape Town has alarming plans for our neighbourhood.

Here’s what they’re planning:

Build an office building and garage structure along the Molteno Road side of Molteno Reservoir, with vehicular access onto Molteno Road.

The building will span the space between two existing Victorian homesteads, which are protected heritage buildings, not to mention the fact that the entire site is of heritage significance

The plans are problematic

  • Such a building would change the character of our residential neighbourhood.

  • It is not in keeping with the architectural heritage of the Victorian homesteads.

  • It would increase traffic in an already high-traffic area

  • Cars often don’t stop at the Molteno and Rayden Rd intersection. Adding a depot of cars coming and going right next would be an safety extra risk for pedestrians and runners.

  • The building would block views of the reservoir and decrease much appreciated green space for residents and visitors

  • An office block full of workers could negatively impact noise pollution

  • The above points also influence property value

Help us keep the Molteno area community focused.

Our association is run by a group of individuals from the community, passionate about doing what’s right for the neighbourhood. While we all practice diverse full-time day jobs, we are happy to devote our spare time to this cause.

However, we don’t have the funds to drive the cause on our own. To ensure we are successful in our cause we need to make use of external service providers, like an attorney, a heritage architect and others, who charge for their services.

We need your help to make this work.

To contribute

Simply scan the QR code to the left, or follow this link to our SnapScan page.

If you prefer to transfer via EFT, please use the below bank details:

Account name: Molteno Reservoir Heritage Association
Bank: Nedbank
Account type: Cheque
Account number: 1274535956
Payment reference: We would love to acknowledge your contribution, so please include your name and street as your reference. If you’d like to remain anonymous, you can use ‘Friendly neighbour’.

Become a member

To receive updates on our mission, as well as neighbourhood updates

The Molteno Reservoir Heritage Association wants to ensure that our neighbourhood remains an environment that serves the community and remains a safe space, while honouring historically significant heritage.

Molteno Road, Oranjezicht, is home to three landmarks: Molteno Reservoir, established 1887 |  The old Graaff Electric Lighting Works heritage building | De Waal Park. Molteno Reservoir and De Waal Park collectively offer a bustling community space. It’s where young and old, families, runners (fast and slow) and walkers congregate to connect, stay fit, unwind and play. It is home to neighbourhood dogs and cats, and the occasional squirrel being chased up a tree.

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